
Show columns

If you need to paint grid columns for development needs, add .show-cols class to a .container or a .row element:

One of two columns
One of two columns
One of two columns
One of two columns
One of two columns
One of two columns
One of two columns
One of two columns
One of two columns
One of two columns

Show baseline grid

If you want to check that your content follows the baseline grid, use .show-grid-bg or .show-grid classes on <body> or other container:

Example header

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Cumque voluptatibus neque asperiores rerum officia non illo. Incidunt sit eveniet perspiciatis

<div class="p-1 w-50 show-grid"> ... </div>

Be aware that .show-grid uses :after psewdo element.
